Robert E. Johnson Ministry of Helps

Spiritual Gifts / Spiritual Gifts


Discovering and utilizing spiritual gifts is one of the most exciting adventures a person can have with God. Spiritual gifts are abilities God has bestowed on every believer for the building and upkeep of His Kingdom. Your spiritual gift is essential in discovering who you are and reaching your God-given destination. Today, people are bombarded with multiple choices as to how to spend their time; where do I fit in; why am I here on earth; and what can I do to make a lasting difference in my life and the lives of others? Robert Johnson Ministry of Helps has the tools you need to assist you in discovering your gifts.
God created us for a purpose in which we must function. “For we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works (Ephesians 2:10). Part of His purpose for giving us spiritual gifts is to edify the church and serve in its ministries, as well as learning to use your spiritual gift(s) to help define and identify you.“Discover your spiritual gift and watch how your life changes.”